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Many councils across the UK not only invest their Local Government Pension Schemes (LGPS) in arms manufacturers and companies which invest in illegal settlements in the Occupied Territories of Palestine, they also pay their taxes via PAYE and NI to the Consolidated Fund which skims off 5.6-10% for the MoD's war chest and a further 10%+ to pay the interest on the national debt (£116BN) on loans of money created from thin air.

Trust DEED for setting aside Council Tax

Council Sample Letter 1

Make sure your Council's Pension Fund is following International & Domestic Law. Check below if your council's pension fund is adhering to its ethical investment policy.  If not, ask them to write to the chair of the Pension Fund.

Council Sample Letter 2

You can also send the DEED below to the CEO of your Council, asking that the Council sets aside taxes from employees PAYE/NI - taxes which are also going direct to the Consolidated Fund. Remind them that the collecting and paying of taxes which go on to fund illegal wars, genocide and crimes against humanity is in breach of international & domestic law.

DEED for Councillors

Trust Follow Up Letter

Communication for Pre-Action Protocol

Sample letter for CEOs of Councils

Advice on dealing with unwanted visitors

Council Tax - dealing with bailiffs & police.png

Pre-Action Protocol

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